Odyceo Consult supports you in your projects and in all your issues related to the production of drinking water, in order to guarantee sanitary quality to consumers.
Based in the Lyon region, Odyceo Consult can operate throughout France, but also abroad as part of specific missions.
Odyceo Consult has many fields of competence: Groundwater and surface water treatment, seawater desalination.
Since 2023, Odyceo Consult’s skills have been recognized by OPQiBi certification, rubric 0807: Study of water production for human consumption.
The themes that can be studied are as follows :
- Turbidity and suspended solids treatment (surface water, karst resources)
- Treatment of undesirable elements: iron, manganese, ammonium, nitrates, arsenic...
- Treatment of micropollutants and their metabolites: pesticides, herbicides, molluscicides…
- Organic matter processing (TOC)
- Optimization of processes to limit the formation of undesirable by-products (chloramines, THM, chlorites, chlorates, nitrites, etc.)
- Mineralization, carbonate balance of water: softening, decarbonation, remineralization, neutralization, balancing
- Tastes and odors on the water distribution network
Odyceo Consult is attentive to your needs, analyzes your problems, advices in appropriate technical solutions, makes budget estimates (CAPEX and OPEX) and can realise training.
Audits and technical studies
- Study of construction of new water treatment plants (WTP)
- Rehabilitation of existing WTP
- Evolution studies of existing WTP
- Sizing of works and equipment
- Raw water and treated water quality analysis
- Chemical treatment simulations
- Carbonate balance calculations
- Performance indicators calculations
- Energy consumption mapping
Operating assistance
- Equipements inventory
- Operating diagnostics, suggestions for improvements
- Optimization of consumables consumption (chemicals, energy)
- Improvement of hydraulic efficiency of WTP
- Implementation of dashboards and indicators for monitoring the performance of WTP
- Drafting of operating instructions manuals
- Development of specific training modules on the topic of drinking water production
- Training in monitoring the performance of WTP, implementation of indicators
- Training as part of the start-up of new production units
Budget estimates
- Costing of construction or improvement works
- Calculation of operating costs

Do you have a project in mind ?
With 30 years of expertise in the water sector, I have been working independently since 2019. I’ll be able to guide you through your issues and support you in your installation audit projects or improvement studies for water treatment plants intended for human consumption, whether for groundwater, surface water or seawater desalination. I would be delighted to discuss your project with you.

OPQiBi Certification
Since 2023, Odyceo Consult has had its skills recognized by the Organisme de Qualification de l’Ingénierie, in the “study of the production of water intended for human consumption” section. It guarantees that Odyceo Consult has the technical and organizational skills required to provide quality services.
Some examples of achievements :

Audit of the sizing and operation of an iron removal plant at Sérézin-de-la-Tour
Verification of design parameters, performance analysis, suggestions for improving operation and treatment (red water issues).
Capacity: 30 m³/h

Modernization and increase in drinking water production capacity at the Giraudets complex
Detailed engineering of technical structures and equipment, drawing up power balances and projected operating balances, consulting equipment suppliers, drafting supporting technical briefs.
Capacity: 1.3 m³/s

Diagnosis of the Tombana and Soarana drinking water production plants
Analysis of operating conditions and raw and treated water quality. Assessment of treatment stage performance and equipment condition. Diagnosis of filter floors, equipment upgrades and treatment improvements.
Capacity: 30 and 200 m³/h

Study for the renewal of ultrafiltration membranes at the Espagnoux plant
Detailed engineering of technical structures and equipment, drawing up power balances and instrumentation lists, consulting equipment suppliers, drafting technical briefs and process descriptions.
Capacity: 3000 m³/h

Study for the construction of the new Cahors drinking water production plant
Detailed engineering of technical structures and equipment, preparation of power balances and instrumentation lists, consultation with equipment suppliers, and drafting of technical briefs describing and justifying the process.
Capacity: 1200 m³/h

Prospective study of alternative resources for drinking water production
Analysis of existing studies, identification of alternative resources and non-potable uses. Study of scenarios: conversion of an industrial water plant into drinking water or creation of a new plant from a water intake on the Garonne, with full treatment.

Diagnosis of the operation of the Lèves drinking water production plant
Collection and analysis of operating data (laboratory analyses, continuous analyzers), site visit, diagnosis of denitrification plant operation, summary and recommendations for work and operating methods.
Capacity: 500 m³/h

Study of sludge settling and treatment on drying beds at the Karey Gorou plant
Participation in project studies (settling and drying beds) for the drinking water plant for Société de Patrimoine des Eaux du Niger. Detailed engineering of technical structures and equipment, and drafting of supporting and descriptive technical briefs.
Capacity: 5000 m³/h

Study for the construction of the new Valedeau drinking water production plant
Detailed engineering of technical structures and equipment, preparation of power balances and instrumentation lists, consultation with equipment suppliers, and drafting of technical briefs describing and justifying the process.
Capacity: 2700 m³/h
Get in touch
Fill in some information about your needs.
For each problem, several solutions: Odyceo Consult helps you make the best choices.
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+33 6 12 48 40 15
119, route de Paris | 69260 Charbonnières-les-Bains
Odyceo Consult | All rights reserved